601 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Suite 9500
Washington, DC 20001
Telephone No.: 202-434-9980
Fax No.: 202-434-9949

December 17, 2003


   ADMINISTRATION (MSHA),     :    Docket No. SE 2002-144
               Petitioner     :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04240
          v.                  :    Docket No. SE 2002-145
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04256
               Respondent.    :    Docket No. SE 2002-148
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04247
                              :    Docket No. SE 2002-150
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04245
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-1
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04241
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-2
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04242
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-3
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04243
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-4
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04244
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-5
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04246
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-6
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04248
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-7
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04249
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-8
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04250
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-9
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04251
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-10
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04252
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-11
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04253
                              :    Docket No. SE 2003-12
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04254
                              :    Docket No. 2003-13
                              :    A. C. No. 01-01322-04255
                              :    No. 5 Mine



Appearances:  Leslie John Rodriguez, Esq., Michael K. Hagan, Esq., U. S. Department of Labor, Atlanta, Georgia, on behalf of Petitioner;
David M. Smith, Esq., Maynard, Cooper & Gale, P.C., Birmingham, Alabama, on behalf of Respondent;
Guy W. Hensley, Esq., Jim Walter Resources, Inc., Brookwood, Alabama, on behalf of Respondent.
Before:  Judge Barbour

In these consolidated civil penalty cases, arising under Sections 105 and 110 of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Act or Act) (30 U. S. C. §§ 815, 820), the Secretary, on behalf of her Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), seeks civil penalty assessments for 309 alleged violations of mandatory safety standards found in Parts 41, 48, 50, 75, and 77 of Title 30, Code of Federal Regulations, and for one alleged violation of Section 103(k) of the Act (30 U.S.C. § 813(k)). All of the citations were issued following September 23, 2001, the date when two explosions occurred at Jim Walter Resources, Inc.'s (JWR) No. 5 Mine. Although the explosions took the lives of 13 miners and seriously injured three others, none of the violations is alleged to have contributed to the cause of the accidents or to the resulting deaths and injuries (see Tr.12).

After the petitions were filed, I entered a prehearing order requiring the parties to confer and to discuss settlement. While in the process of conferring, but prior to engaging in substantive settlement discussions, the parties instituted discovery. In response to the Secretary's discovery efforts, JWR filed a motion for partial summary decision, arguing that, as a matter of law, it was not responsible for many of the alleged violations because it did not control the mine at the time the citations were issued.1 JWR also filed a motion to stay discovery, asserting a favorable ruling on its summary decision motion would obviate the need for discovery in many instances. I agreed, and granted JWR's latter motion. Subsequently, the Secretary filed a cross motion for partial summary decision, asserting that there was no basis for ruling in the company's favor, that JWR did not contest the factual allegations leading to the alleged violations and that the violations, therefore, existed as charged.

I denied the motions for summary decision. In so doing, I expressed my view regarding JWR's argument that the Secretary's imposition of a Section 104(k) order at the mine divested the company of its responsibility for many of the alleged violations. I stated in part, "Section 103(k) grants to the Secretary the extraordinary authority to take control of all or part of the mine away from the operator. Use of the authority can effectively place the Secretary in the shoes of the operator, and result in a disruption of the nexus between responsibility and control, a nexus that is a basis for the operator's liability" (Order Denying Cross Motions for Summary Decision 8-9). Therefore, I stated that in the forthcoming penalty proceedings I would "recognize an affirmative defense based upon the . . . imposition of the Section 103(k) order, provided the record establishe[d] in each instance that the . . . order as originally imposed or as subsequently modified and amended, deprived the company of its authority and control in the part of the mine where the cited condition existed, and that the condition would not have existed but for the presence of the order and its restrictions" (Id. 9). I also concluded the undisputed material facts did not establish that the specific conditions alleged in the citations would not have existed but for the restrictions imposed by the order and its modifications. I held that to make such determinations, I would need to hear the testimony of the inspectors regarding the scope of the order and its effect on the particular cited conditions (Id.). In addition, I also noted my disagreement with the Secretary's assertions that the material facts established JWR's liability for all of the alleged violations, and I again stated my belief that I needed to hear from the witnesses before I could resolve the many questions of liability (Order Denying Motions for Summary Decision 9-10).

Because of the large number of alleged violations, I instituted organizational requirements to facilitate resolution of the cases. In addition, I scheduled a prehearing conference of record at which the parties were directed, among other things, to identify the issues to be resolved at trial, to state an agreed upon discovery schedule, to state an agreed upon trial plan for the 17 consolidated dockets, and to announce the appointment of settlement representatives (Id. 10-13).

When the conference convened, counsel for the Secretary announced that the parties had reached an agreement to settle all of the cases. The settlement was in part "based upon . . . the language . . . of . . . [the] order denying [the] cross motions for summary judgement" (Tr. 10). Counsel for the Secretary and JWR described the broad outlines of the settlement agreement (Tr. 10-17) and stated that the agreement would be amplified and supported in a joint motion to approve the settlement.

Counsel now have filed that motion pursuant to Commission Rule 31 (29 C.F.R. § 2700.31). As they did at the conference, counsel note my recognition of "an affirmative defense based on the Secretary's imposition of the section 103(k) order, provided the record establishes in each instance that the section 103(k) order deprived the company of its authority and control" (Joint Motion To Approve Settlement and Dismiss 14, quoting Order Denying Cross Motions for Summary Decision 9). Counsel also note that JWR maintains the affirmative defense to some extent applies to all 310 citations at issue. In addition, counsel state that the Secretary has agreed to vacate 22 citations, to reclassify five citations from significant and substantial (S&S) to non-S&S and to reclassify the negligence of one citation from "low" to "none." Counsel also state that they have made additional compromises in view of "the vagaries of litigation" (Id. 14, 16-17). Moreover, in order to avoid the expense and inconvenience of litigation, JWR agrees to withdraw its contests to 222 single-penalty assessments listed in the dockets (id.12). Finally, counsel have submitted general information pertaining to the six statutory civil penalty criteria found in Section110(i) of the Act, including information regarding Respondent's size, ability to continue in business and history of previous violations.

The proposed settlement is as follows:

                          SE 2002-144

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment         Settlement

7675567        09/28/01    77.516              $     55.00        $     55.00
7675568        09/28/01    77.202              $     55.00             VACATE
7675569        09/28/01    77.400              $     55.00        $     55.00
7675570        09/28/01    77.502              $     55.00        $     55.00
7675571        09/28/01    77.1104             $     55.00             VACATE
7675572        09/28/01    77.1607cc           $     55.00        $     55.00
7677601        09/28/01    77.204              $     55.00        $     55.00
7677602        09/28/01    77.516              $     55.00        $     55.00
7677603        09/28/01    77.202              $    475.00        $    210.00
7677604        09/28/01    77.516              $     55.00        $     55.00
7677605        09/28/01    77.516              $     55.00        $     55.00
7677606        09/28/01    77.200              $     55.00             VACATE
7677607        09/28/01    77.516              $     55.00        $     55.00
                                       TOTAL     $1,135.00        $    705.00

                          SE 2002-145

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7670063        06/04/02    75.370(a)(1)         $    55.00         $     55.00
7670064        06/04/02    75.370(a)(1)         $    55.00         $     55.00
7678422        06/04/02    75.202(a)            $   161.00         $     80.00
7677873        06/05/02    75.364(b)(2)         $    55.00         $     55.00
7677464        06/06/02    75.400               $   317.00         $    125.00
7677465        06/06/02    75.362(b)            $   317.00         $    125.00
7677874        06/07/02    75.202(a)            $   224.00         $    105.00
7677875        06/07/02    75.202(a)            $   224.00         $    105.00
7678812        06/07/02    75.400               $   224.00         $    105.00
4864961        06/08/02    75.1403-5(g)         $    55.00         $     55.00
7677466        06/08/02    75.380(d)(1)         $   224.00         $    105.00
4864962        06/10/02    75.333(c)(1)         $    55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL    $ 1,966.00         $  1,025.00

                          SE 2002-148

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7678307        02/19/02    75.512              $     55.00         $     55.00
7676674        02/20/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7676675        02/20/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7676676        02/20/02    75.1910(j)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7678308        02/20/02    75.900              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678309        02/20/02    75.512              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678310        02/20/02    75.400              $    475.00         $    210.00
7678311        02/20/02    75.705(1)(b)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7676677        02/21/02    75.1403             $    475.00         $    210.00
7678312        02/21/02    75.1903(a)(2)       $     55.00         $     55.00
7678313        02/21/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7678314        02/21/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7678315        02/21/02    75.400              $    475.00         $    210.00
7678316        02/21/02    75.400              $    475.00         $    210.00
7678317        02/21/02    75.512              $  1,815.00         $    900.00
7677760        02/22/02    77.205(b)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677761        02/22/02    77.200              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677762        02/22/02    77.400(c)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677763        02/23/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL     $4,485.00         $  2,510.00

                          SE 2002-150

Order No.      Date      30 C.F.R.              Assessment          Settlement

7677742        01/04/02    75.360(a)(1)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677743        01/10/02    75.1722(b)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7677744        01/10/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677670        01/15/02    48.7(c)             $  2,279.00         $  1,100.00
7677671        01/15/02    48.6(b)             $    679.00         $    300.00
7677745        01/15/02    75.333(h)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677746        01/18/02    75.333(h)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7669802        01/19/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7669803        01/19/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7669804        01/19/02    75.1910(f)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7669805        01/19/02    75.1909(b)(4)       $     55.00         $     55.00
7677747        01/23/02    75.1106-5(a)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7672662        01/24/02    75.380(d)(1)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7672663        01/24/02    75.1600             $     55.00         $     55.00
7677675        01/25/02    77.516              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677676        01/25/02    77.204              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677677        01/25/02    77.516              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677678        01/25/02    77.516              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677679        01/25/02    103(k)              $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL   $  3,893.00         $  2,335.00

                          SE 2003-1

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7677608        09/28/01    77.516               $    55.00         $     55.00
7677609        09/28/01    77.516               $    55.00         $     55.00
7677610        09/28/01    77.516               $    55.00         $     55.00
3018484        12/05/01    77.507               $   475.00         $    210.00
7385798        12/06/01    75.400               $    55.00              VACATE
7386424        12/06/01    75.400               $    55.00              VACATE
7386425        12/06/01    75.807               $    55.00              VACATE
7509385        12/06/01    75.1100-3            $    55.00              VACATE
7530826        12/06/01    75.1909(b)(4)        $    55.00              VACATE
7530827        12/06/01    75.1403              $   475.00         $    210.00
7530828        12/06/01    75.1909(b)(4)        $    55.00         $     55.00
7530829        12/06/01    75.1909(a)(3)(x)     $    55.00         $     55.00
7644256        12/06/01    75.1914(a)           $   993.00         $    457.00
7644258        12/06/01    75.321(a)(2)         $   475.00              VACATE
7647056        12/06/01    75.1203              $    55.00         $     55.00
7647057        12/06/01    75.333(h)            $    55.00              VACATE
7385799        12/07/01    75.400               $    55.00              VACATE
7385800        12/07/01    75.333(b)(4)         $    55.00              VACATE
7385801        12/07/01    75.400               $    55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL    $ 3,243.00         $  1,262.00

                          SE 2003-2

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7385802        12/07/01    75.1403-5(g)        $     55.00              VACATE
7509389        12/07/01    75.333(h)           $    277.00         $    115.00
7530830        12/07/01    75.400              $     55.00              VACATE
7647058        12/07/01    75.400              $     55.00              VACATE
7676569        12/07/01    77.202              $    475.00         $    210.00
7676570        12/07/01    77.200              $     55.00         $     55.00
7676571        12/07/01    77.200              $     55.00         $     55.00
7386426        12/08/01    75.400              $    475.00         $     55.00
7386427        12/08/01    75.333(h)           $    475.00              VACATE
7509390        12/08/01    75.333(h)           $    475.00         $    210.00
7509391        12/08/01    75.400              $     55.00              VACATE
7530831        12/08/01    75.340(a)(1)(i)     $    993.00         $     55.00
7644259        12/08/01    75.517              $     55.00         $     55.00
7647059        12/08/01    75.1914(a)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7647060        12/08/01    75.400              $     55.00              VACATE
7647081        12/08/01    75.1100-3           $     55.00              VACATE
7647082        12/08/01    75.1100-3           $     55.00              VACATE
7647085        12/08/01    75.503              $     55.00         $     55.00
7647086        12/08/01    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL   $  3,885.00         $    975.00

                          SE 2003-3

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7509392        12/09/01    75.1714-1(c)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7647088        12/09/01    75.1914(e)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7647089        12/09/01    75.1713-7(b)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7509393        12/10/01    75.400              $    475.00         $     55.00
7509394        12/10/01    75.400              $    475.00         $     55.00
7509395        12/10/01    75.400              $    475.00         $     55.00
7647092        12/11/01    75.512              $     55.00         $     55.00
7647093        12/11/01    75.512              $     55.00         $     55.00
7647094        12/11/01    75.904              $     55.00         $     55.00
7647095        12/11/01    75.1914(a)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7647097        12/11/01    75.400              $     55.00              VACATE
7647098        12/11/01    75.512              $     55.00         $     55.00
7509396        12/12/01    75.333(h)           $     55.00              VACATE
7509397        12/12/01    75.202(a)           $    277.00         $    115.00
7676572        12/12/01    77.202              $    475.00         $    210.00
7676573        12/12/01    77.1110             $     55.00         $    210.00
7676574        12/12/01    77.205(e)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7676575        12/12/01    77.205(e)           $    475.00         $    210.00
7676576        12/12/01    77.202              $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL   $  3,787.00         $  1,460.00

                          SE 2003-4

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7677733        12/12/01    75.202(a)           $    475.00         $    210.00
7530833        12/13/01    75.400              $    475.00         $    210.00
7676578        12/13/01    50.20(a)            $     55.00         $     55.00
7677734        12/13/01    75.333(h)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7669961        12/15/01    77.200              $    475.00         $    210.00
7669975        12/15/01    77.205(e)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7669976        12/15/01    77.200              $    475.00         $    210.00
7669977        12/15/01    77.200              $    475.00         $    210.00
7669978        12/15/01    77.200              $     55.00         $     55.00
7669979        12/15/01    77.200              $     55.00         $     55.00
7669980        12/15/01    77.1110             $     55.00         $     55.00
3018485        12/17/01    50.20(a)            $     55.00         $     55.00
3018486        12/17/01    75.400              $    475.00         $    210.00
7669635        01/03/02    75.202(b)           $    760.00         $    350.00
7677737        01/03/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677738        01/04/02    75.333(d)(3)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677739        01/04/02    75.1722(b)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7677740        01/04/02    75.333(h)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677741        01/04/02    75.333(c)(3)        $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL   $  4,270.00         $  2,270.00

                          SE 2003-5

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7677749        01/26/02    75.202(a)           $    475.00         $    210.00
7677750        01/28/02    75.360(a)(1)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7678120        02/02/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7678121        02/02/02    75.1911(a)(4)       $     55.00         $     55.00
7678122        02/02/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678123        02/02/02    75.1910(j)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7677751        02/06/02    75.333(h)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677752        02/07/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677753        02/08/02    75.1911(a)(4)       $     55.00         $     55.00
7677754        02/09/02    75.400              $    475.00         $    210.00
7677755        02/09/02    75.1910(j)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7677756        02/11/02    77.1104             $     55.00         $     55.00
7677757        02/12/02    77.1104             $    475.00         $    210.00
7677758        02/12/02    77.208(a)           $    475.00         $    210.00
7677759        02/12/02    77.404(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7678008        02/15/02    75.807              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678304        02/19/02    75.601-1            $     55.00         $     55.00
7678305        02/19/02    75.512              $    475.00         $    210.00
7678306        02/19/02    75.512              $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL   $  3,145.00         $  1,820.00

                          SE 2003-6

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7677764        02/23/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7677765        02/25/02    77.512              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677766        02/25/02    77.205(b)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677767        02/26/02    75.202(a)           $    475.00         $    210.00
7677768        02/27/02    77.1104             $     55.00         $     55.00
7677769        02/28/02    75.333(c)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677770        03/01/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678319        03/01/02    75.807              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678320        03/01/02    75.512              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678321        03/01/02    75.1702             $     55.00         $     55.00
7678009        03/04/02    75.807              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678810        03/04/02    77.505              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678811        03/04/02    77.507              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678812        03/04/02    77.512              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678814        03/04/02    77.516              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678015        03/04/02    77.502              $     55.00         $     55.00
3018490        03/06/02    75.360(f)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677772        03/07/02    75.1703             $     55.00         $     55.00
7677773        03/07/02    75.1703             $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL   $  1,465.00         $  1,200.00

                          SE 2003-7

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7677774        03/08/02    77.502              $     55.00         $     55.00
7669812        03/09/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7669813        03/09/02    75.807              $    475.00         $    210.00
7677776        03/12/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678501        03/13/02    50.10               $     55.00         $     55.00
7678502        03/13/02    50.12               $     55.00         $     55.00
7678504        03/13/02    75.1702             $    475.00         $    210.00
7676680        03/15/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677777        03/15/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677778        03/15/02    75.333(h)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677968        03/15/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678505        03/15/02    75.1405             $     55.00         $     55.00
7678506        03/15/02    75.603              $    475.00         $    210.00
7678507        03/15/02    75.809              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677779        03/16/02    75.220(a)           $    475.00         $    210.00
7677780        03/16/02    75.333(h)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677969        03/16/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677970        03/16/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677836        03/18/02    75.400              $    475.00         $    210.00
                                       TOTAL   $  3,145.00         $  1,820.00

                          SE 2003-8

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7669814        03/19/02    75.203(e)(2)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7676681        03/19/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7676682        03/19/02    75.400              $    475.00         $    210.00
7676683        03/21/02    75.1106-5(a)        $    475.00         $    210.00
7677781        03/21/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677782        03/21/02    75.503              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677784        03/23/02    75.1911(a)(4)       $     55.00         $     55.00
7677785        03/23/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677786        03/23/02    75.1911(a)(4)       $     55.00         $     55.00
7677981        03/23/02    75.333(h)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7678171        03/23/02    75.400              $    475.00         $    210.00
4871231        03/25/02    75.1914(a)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7678509        03/25/02    75.202(a)           $    760.00         $    350.00
3018491        03/26/02    75.1403-10(e)       $     55.00         $     55.00
3018492        03/27/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
3018493        03/27/02    75.333(b)(4)        $     55.00         $     55.00
4871232        03/27/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7676684        03/28/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677685        03/29/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL   $  3,010.00         $  1,805.00

                          SE 2003-9

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7678176        03/30/02    75.1100-3           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677845        04/02/02    75.333(h)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677846        04/02/02    75.1403-8(e)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677443        04/03/02    75.1100-2(f)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677444        04/03/02    75.220(a)(1)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677445        04/03/02    41.20               $     55.00         $     55.00
7677446        04/04/02    75.220(a)(1)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677847        04/04/02    75.606              $    557.00         $    250.00
7677992        04/05/02    75.517              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677993        04/06/02    75.604(b)           $    340.00         $    140.00
7677447        04/08/02    75.1100-1(f)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677448        04/08/02    75.360(b)(8)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677848        04/08/02    75.1100-3           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677849        04/09/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7669365        04/10/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677850        04/10/02    75.1100-3           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677851        04/10/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677852        04/10/02    75.503              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678019        04/10/02    75.900              $    340.00         $    140.00
                                       TOTAL   $  2,117.00         $  1,410.00

                          SE 2003-10

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7678020        04/10/02    75.340(a)(2)(i)     $     55.00         $     55.00
7678021        04/10/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7678022        04/10/02    75.807              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678023        04/10/02    75.202(a)           $    340.00         $    140.00
7677449        04/11/02    75.360(e)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677450        04/11/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677853        04/12/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677854        04/12/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677855        04/13/02    75.202(a)           $    340.00         $    140.00
7677994        04/13/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7677995        04/15/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678359        04/15/02    75.900-4            $     55.00         $     55.00
4870868        04/16/02    75.1403             $    340.00         $    140.00
7677856        04/16/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677857        04/16/02    75.1106-3(a)(2)     $     55.00         $     55.00
7677996        04/16/02    75.1906(i)          $     55.00         $     55.00
7677997        04/16/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7670056        04/17/02    75.1100-3           $     55.00         $     55.00
7670057        04/17/02    75.400              $    340.00         $    140.00
                                       TOTAL   $  2,185.00         $  1,385.00

                          SE 2003-11

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7678361        04/18/02    75.601-1            $     55.00         $     55.00
7678362        04/18/02    75.902              $    340.00         $    140.00
7678183        04/19/02    75.512              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677998        04/23/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7677999        04/24/02    75.1106-3(a)(2)     $     55.00         $     55.00
7678000        04/24/02    75.340(a)(2)(i)     $     55.00         $     55.00
7677452        04/25/02    75.1403-8(b)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677858        04/25/02    75.202(a)           $    340.00         $    140.00
7678366        04/25/02    75.512              $    340.00         $    140.00
7678601        04/25/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7672693        04/27/02    75.1914(a)          $    340.00         $    140.00
7677859        04/29/02    75.904              $     55.00         $     55.00
7669372        05/01/02    75.333(h)           $    760.00         $    350.00
7669373        05/01/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677860        05/03/02    77.502              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678194        05/03/02    75.807              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677861        05/04/02    75.1100-3           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677862        05/04/02    75.1100-2(f)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7669650        05/07/02    75.370(a)(1)        $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL   $ 2,890.00          $  1,680.00

                          SE 2003-12

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7669651        05/07/02    75.1202-1(b)(3)     $     55.00         $     55.00
7672696        05/07/02    77.206(c)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7672697        05/07/02    77.206(c)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7672700        05/07/02    77.206(c)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7672801        05/07/02    77.1104             $     55.00         $     55.00
7678704        05/07/02    77.202              $     55.00         $     55.00
7678705        05/07/02    77.202              $    259.00         $    100.00
7677863        05/08/02    77.1301(c)(11)      $     55.00         $     55.00
7677864        05/09/02    75.606              $    259.00         $    100.00
7672803        05/10/02    75.1722(b)          $    259.00         $    100.00
7672804        05/10/02    75.333(h)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7678706        05/13/02    75.202(a)           $    259.00         $    100.00
7677865        05/14/02    75.400              $     55.00         $     55.00
7677866        05/15/02    75.1714-2(c)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677867        05/15/02    77.1101-7(b)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7672805        05/16/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7672806        05/16/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7672807        05/16/02    75.807              $     55.00         $     55.00
7672808        05/16/02    75.807              $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL   $  1,861.00         $  1,225.00

                          SE 2003-13

Order No.      Date        30 C.F.R.            Assessment          Settlement

7672809        05/18/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7672822        05/18/02    75.1403-7(j)        $    259.00         $    100.00
7678418        05/18/02    75.220(a)(1)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7672810        05/20/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7678707        05/22/02    75.202(a)           $    259.00         $    100.00
7678708        05/23/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7678924        05/24/02    75.701              $     55.00         $     55.00
7672812        05/28/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7672813        05/29/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677869        05/29/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
4871105        05/30/02    75.403              $    277.00         $    115.00
7672815        05/30/02    75.1101-10          $     55.00         $     55.00
7677870        05/30/02    75.380(d)(1)        $     55.00         $     55.00
7677871        05/30/02    75.1100-2(f)        $     55.00         $     55.00
4871106        05/31/02    75.1403             $     55.00         $     55.00
7677461        05/31/02    75.202(a)           $     55.00         $     55.00
7677872        06/01/02    75.1100-1(a)        $     55.00         $     55.00
4871107        06/03/02    75.1403-8(b)        $     55.00         $     55.00
4871108        06/03/02    75.1403-8(b)        $     55.00         $     55.00
                                       TOTAL   $  1,675.00         $  1,195.00

After review and consideration of the pleadings, arguments and submissions in support of the settlement motion, I find the proposed settlement is reasonable and in the public interest. Pursuant to 29 C.F.R. § 2700.31, the motion is GRANTED, and the settlement is APPROVED.


Respondent is ORDERED to pay a total civil penalty of $26,082.00 in satisfaction of the violations in question. Payment is to be made to MSHA within 30 days of the date of this proceeding. Also, within the same 30 days, the Secretary is ORDERED to delete the S&S findings on the five subject citations and to reclassify negligence from "low" to "none" on the specified citation. Upon receipt of full payment and modification of the citations, these proceedings are DISMISSED.

David F. Barbour
Chief Administrative Law Judge

Distribution: (Certified Mail)

Leslie John Rodriguez, Esq., Michael K. Hagan, Esq., U. S. Department of Labor, Office of the Solicitor, 61 Forsyth Street, S.W., Room 7T10, Atlanta, GA 30303

David M. Smith, Esq., Maynard, Cooper & Gale, P.C., 1901 Sixth Avenue N., 2400 AmSouth- Harbert Plaza, Birmingham, AL 35203

Guy W. Hensley, Esq., Jim Walter Resources, Inc., P. O. Box 133, Brookwood, AL 35444



1 On the same day the explosions occurred, the Secretary, pursuant to Section 103(k) of the Act, issued Order No. 7676787 at the mine. Section 103(k) provides that in the event of an accident, an inspector "may issue such orders as he [or she] deems appropriate to insure the safety of any person in the . . . mine, and the operator . . . shall obtain the approval of . . . [MSHA] . . . to recover any person in such mine or to recover the coal . . . or to return the affected areas of such mine to normal." A Section 103(k) order commonly is referred to as a "control order." Order No. 7676787 was terminated on June 11, 2002.