. BIRCHFIELD MINING, INC. January 30, 1995 WEVA 91-345-R FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSION OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES 2 SKYLINE, 10th FLOOR 5203 LEESBURG PIKE FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA 22041 January 30, 1995 BIRCHFIELD MINING, INC., : CONTEST PROCEEDING Contestant : : v. : Docket No. WEVA 91-345-R : Order No. 3751389; 3/14/91 SECRETARY OF LABOR, : MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH : Mine No. 1 ADMINISTRATION (MSHA), : Petitioner, : : SECRETARY OF LABOR, : CIVIL PENALTY PROCEEDING MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH : ADMINISTRATION (MSHA), : Docket No. WEVA 91-2076 Petitioner : A.C. No. 46-07273-03558 : v. : Mine No. 1 BIRCHFIELD MINING, INC., : Respondent : DECISION Appearances: David J. Hardy, Esq., Jackson & Kelly, Charleston, West Virginia, for Contestant; Patrick L. DePace, Esq., Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of Labor, for Petitioner, Arlington, Virginia. Before: Judge Fauver These cases involve a § 104(d)(1) order under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, 30 U.S.C. § et seq. At the hearing the parties moved for approval of a settlement. Having considered the reasons and documentation submitted, I conclude that the settlement is consistent with the purposes of the Act. Accordingly, the motion is GRANTED. ORDER WHEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that the motion for approval of settlement is GRANTED and Respondent shall pay the approved penalty of $800.00 within 30 days of this decision. Upon such payment the cases are dismissed. William Fauver Administrative Law Judge Distribution: David J. Hardy, Esq., Jackson & Kelly, P.O. Box 553, Charleston, WV 25344 (Certified Mail) Patrick L. Depace, Esq., Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of Labor, 4015 Wilson Blvd., Suite 516, Arlington, VA 22203 (Certified Mail) /lt