. MOBILE PREMIX SAND & GRAVEL COMPANY June 24, 1997 WEST 95-339-M FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSION 1244 SPEER BOULEVARD #280 DENVER, CO 80204-3582 303-844-3577/FAX 303-844-5268 June 24, 1997 SECRETARY OF LABOR, : CIVIL PENALTY PROCEEDING MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH : ADMINISTRATION (MSHA), : Docket No. WEST 95-339-M Petitioner : A.C. No. 05-00860-05537 : v. : : Specification Aggregates MOBILE PREMIX SAND & GRAVEL : COMPANY, : Respondent : : : SECRETARY OF LABOR, : CIVIL PENALTY PROCEEDINGS MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH : ADMINISTRATION (MSHA), : Petitioner : : v. : : DON DEWILD, employed by : Docket No. WEST 96-223-M MOBILE PREMIX SAND & GRAVEL : A.C. No. 05-00860-05540 A COMPANY, : Respondent : : KEITH BUESCHER, employed by : Docket No. WEST 96-224-M MOBILE PREMIX SAND & GRAVEL : A.C. No. 05-00860-05541 A COMPANY, : Respondent : : Specification Aggregates DECISION Appearances: Kristi Floyd, Esq., Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of Labor, Denver, Colorado, for Petitioner; Laura E. Beverage Esq., Jackson & Kelly, Denver, Colorado, for Respondents. Before: Judge Manning These cases are before me on petitions for assessment of civil penalty filed by the Secretary of Labor, acting through the Mine Safety and Health Administration ("MSHA"), against Mobile Premix Sand and Gravel Company ("Mobile Premix"), Don DeWild, and Keith Buescher, pursuant to sections 105 and 110 of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, 30 U.S.C. §§ 815 and 820 (the "Act"). The citation in each petition, No. 4423012, alleges that the respondents violated 30 C.F.R. § 56.16002(c). The citation also alleges that the violation was of a significant and substantial nature and was caused by the operator's unwarrantable failure to comply with the safety standard. A hearing was held in these cases in Denver, Colorado. At the beginning of the second day of the hearing, counsel for the parties announced that they reached a settlement of all issues in these cases. (Tr. 282-84). Subsequently, the Secretary filed a motion for approval of settlement incorporating all of the terms and conditions of the settlement. In the motion, the Secretary states that based on "additional information presented in the course of this litigation, counsel for the Secretary has concluded that insufficient evidence exists to pursue the § 110(c) penalties against either Mr. DeWild or Mr. Buescher." (Motion at 3). The Secretary agrees to withdrawal the penalties she proposed against Messrs. DeWild and Buescher. The Secretary also agrees to reduce the proposed penalty against Mobile Premix from $2,000 to $1,600. In reducing the penalty, the Secretary considered "certain mitigating factors, including the fact that the employees referenced in the citation had received lockout and safety line training, as well as the fact that there existed conflicting evidence regarding the actual hazard present." (Motion at 4). Mobile Premix agrees to pay the amended penalty. The parties do not seek other modifications to the citation. I have considered the representations, documentation, and the evidence presented at the hearing, and I conclude that the proffered settlement is appropriate under the criteria set forth in Section 110(i) of the Act. Accordingly, the motion for approval of settlement is GRANTED, the penalties against Don DeWild and Keith Buescher are WITHDRAWN, and Mobile Premix Sand & Gravel Company is ORDERED TO PAY the Secretary of Labor the sum of $1,600.00 within 30 days of the date of this decision. Upon payment of the penalty, these proceedings are DISMISSED. Richard W. Manning Administrative Law Judge Distribution: Kristi Floyd, Esq., Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of Labor, 1999 Broadway, Suite 1600, Denver, CO 80202-5716 (Certified Mail) Laura E. Beverage, Esq., JACKSON & KELLY, 1660 Lincoln Street, Suite 2710, Denver, CO 80264 (Certified Mail) RWM