November 28, 2011
10/1/2010 | 10/18/2010 | 10 | Nate Jones, George Washington Univ. | Docs. Re steps instructed by White House/FOIA guidance & training | No charge | Information provided | 1 |
10/1/2010 | 10/6/2010 | 3 | Patrick Dennison/Jackson Kelly, PLLC | ALJ, Law Clerk & Legal Asst contact info;Gen.FMSHRC | No charge | Information provided | 2 |
10/6/2010 | 10/13/2010 | 4 | Ellen Smith/MSHA | Wolf Run Mining Co., WEVA 2007-600; Approved settlement amts. | No charge | Information provided | 3 |
10/7/2010 | 10/13/2010 | 3 | Matt Shepherd/SOL | Hoover, Inc., SE 2009-600-M; Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 4 |
10/7/2010 | 10/14/2010 | 4 | Matt Shepherd/SOL | Ember Contracting, Inc., KENT 2008-1346, et seq. | No charge | Information provided | 5 |
10/7/2010 | 10/10/2010 | 7 | Tina D. Juarez, Esq./DOL-SOL | Mainline Rock & Ballast Inc., CENT 2009-588-M/-577-M, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 6 |
10/8/2010 | 10/12/2010 | 1 | Barbara Villalobos/DOL-SOL | Mach Mining, LAKE 2009-323-R & -324-R, Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 7 |
10/8/2010 | 10/12/2010 | 1 | Joseph T. Page | Gold Cache @ Vic. Peak, NM; Info & images re expeditions | No charge | Information provided | 8 |
10/13/2010 | 10/14/2010 | 1 | Ken Ward, Jr./The Charleston Gazette | Data new monthly case filings/General- FMSHRC | No charge | Information provided | 9 |
10/13/2010 | 10/27/2010 | 10 | David Barr/Democratic Nat'l Committee | Records & communications between FMSHRC employees in their official capacity & Michael Elias "Mitch" Daniels, Jr., Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, Sarah Palin, Timothy Pawlenty, John Thune, Michael Huckabee, Mitt Romney and/or their offices. | No charge | Information provided | 10 |
10/15/2010 | 10/20/2010 | 3 | Ryan Frazier/Cochran irm | Wolf Run Minig Co., WEVA 2007-600 & '08-247, Review case files | $29.95 | Information provided | 11 |
10/20/2010 | 10/20/2010 | 1 | Matthew R. Epstein, SOL | ALJ & law clerk contact list; General - FMSHRC | No charge | Information provided | 12 |
10/22/2010 | 10/26/2010 | 2 | Brian Bigley/Lehigh SW Cement Co. | Milestone Materials/Mathy Constr., LAKE 2009-432-RM, Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 13 |
10/22/2010 | 10/26/2010 | 2 | Tina D. Juarez, Esq./DOL-SOL | Secy. o/b/o Abeyta v. San Juan Coal Co., CENT 2010-584-D, Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 14 |
10/22/2010 | 11/1/2010 | 6 | Patrick Dalin/SOL | Emerald Coal Resources, PENN 2009-697 | No charge | Information provided | 15 |
10/25/2010 | 10/25/2010 | 1 | Linda M. Hastins, SOL | Essroc Cement Corp., LAKE 2008-641-M, Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 16 |
10/26/2010 | 10/26/2010 | 1 | Ryan Frazier/Cochran Firm | Wolf Run Mining Co., WEVA 2007-600; Transc'ts & Exhibits. | $19.35 | Information provided | 17 |
10/27/2010 | 10/27/2010 | 1 | Mary Ann Sheyka/Keller & Keller | Mainline Rock & Ballast Inc., CENT 2009-588-M/-577-M, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 18 |
10/28/2010 | 10/29/2010 | 1 | Jennifer Booth/SOL | Highland Mining, KENT 2008-1083/1084, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 19 |
10/28/2010 | 10/28/2010 | 1 | James Sharpe/Sharpe Media, LLC | Joint operating plan | No charge | Information provided | 20 |
10/29/2010 | 11/10/2010 | 8 | Neil Morholt/SOL | Highland Mining, KENT 2009-755 & -756, Hearing Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 21 |
11/1/2010 | 11/8/2010 | 5 | Matthew M. Linton/SOL | Triad Underground, LAKE 2009-513 & -631; Knight Hawk Coal, LAKE 2009-523, -438, et al., Hearing Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 22 |
11/1/2010 | 11/3/2010 | 2 | Patrick DePace/SOL | Cargill Deicing Technology, LAKE 2009-675-M, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 23 |
11/4/2010 | 11/17/2010 | 8 | Natalie E. Lien/SOL | Centre Crown Miing, LAKE 2009-418, -419, -494, -548, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 24 |
11/5/2010 | 11/10/2010 | 3 | Jennifer Booth/SOL | Clintwood Elkhorn Mining Co., KENT 2011-53-R, -54-R, -40-R, -41-R, Hearing Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 25 |
11/5/2010 | 11/18/2010 | 9 | Jessica R. Brown/SOL | Shamokin Filler Co., Inc., PENN 2009-775, -825, 2010-63, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 26 |
11/11/2010 | 11/16/2010 | 1 | Truman Chidsey/Vulcan Materials | Vulcan Materials, LAKE 2010-326, -622, Citation Numbers | No charge | Information provided | 27 |
11/12/2010 | 11/15/2010 | 2 | Jennifer A. Casey/SOL | Twentymile Coal Co., WEST 2009-1322, -241, -580, -820, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 28 |
11/15/2010 | 11/15/2010 | 1 | Amanda K. Slater/SOL | Twentymile Coal Co., WEST 2009-1322, -241, -580, -820, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 29 |
11/17/2010 | 11/17/2010 | 1 | Larry Bush | Agency directive on President's FOIA initiative, fees, contracts | No charge | Information provided | 30 |
11/19/2010 | 11/19/2010 | 1 | Benjamin Chaykin/SOL | Dickenson-Russell Col, Inc., VA 2009-44-R, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 31 |
11/22/2010 | 11/22/2010 | 1 | Thomas Grooms/SOL | JWR, SE 2008-173-R, -881, Hearing Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 32 |
11/29/2010 | 12/1/2010 | 2 | Robert Beatty, Jr./Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP | The American Coal Co., LAKE 2010-408-R, Trial Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 33 |
11/29/2010 | 12/1/2010 | 2 | Schean G. Belton/SOL | SOL/Green v. D&C Mining Corp., KENT 2010-535-D & -536-D | No charge | Information provided | 34 |
12/1/2010 | 12/10/2010 | 7 | Gary D. McCollum, Esq. | Consolidation Coal Co., VA 2010-489-E, Case file info & exhitis | $274.90 | Information provided | 35 |
12/2/2010 | 12/3/2010 | 1 | Sophia E. Hayes/SOL | Picenos Brothers, SE 2009-880-M & -881-M | No charge | Information provided | 36 |
12/3/2010 | 12/20/2010 | 1 | Jessica Hughes/SOL | Pine Ridge Coal, LLC, WEVA 2020-312, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 37 |
12/6/2010 | 12/8/2010 | 2 | Jessica R. Brown/SOL | Shamokin Filler Co., Inc., PENN 2009-775, -825, 2010-63, Transc't | Exhibits | Information provided | 38 |
12/7/2010 | 12/9/2010 | 2 | Angele Gregory/SOL | Bardo Mining, LLC, KENT 2008-570, Hearing Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 39 |
12/8/2010 | 12/9/2010 | 1 | Callie Spall/Idaho Sand & Gravel | Citation # 7993081 | No charge | Information provided | 40 |
12/13/2011 | 1/20/2011 | 1 | Matthrew B. Finnigan/SOL | Bowie Resources, LLC, WEST 2008-814, Transc't & Exhibits | No charge | Information provided | 41 |
12/14/2010 | 1/10/2011 | 1 | Beau Ellis/DOL | Bowie Resources, LLC, WEST 2009-898, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 42 |
12/16/2010 | 12/28/2010 | 7 | Jennifer Booth/SOL | Oak Grove, SE 2009-487; Hearing Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 43 |
12/20/2010 | 12/29/2010 | 7 | Charlie Lord/SOL | Process Energy, Inman Energy, & Indep. Coal; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 44 |
12/20/2010 | 12/29/2010 | 6 | Charlie Lord/SOL | Peabody Midwest Mining & Big Ridge, Inc.; Lake 2011-116-119-R, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 45 |
12/20/2010 | 12/28/2010 | 5 | Matt Shepherd/SOL | Ember Contracting, Inc., KENT 2008-1346, et seq. | No charge | Request withdrawn | 46 |
12/28/2010 | 1/6/2011 | 6 | Matt Shepherd/SOL | Liggett Mining, LLC; Hearing Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 47 |
12/28/2010 | 12/29/2010 | 1 | Mark Heath/SpilmanThomasBattle | Process Energy, Inman Energy, & Indep. Coal; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 48 |
12/28/2010 | 12/29/2010 | 1 | Gred Fort, Pres./Boildermakers Local S-8 | Peabody Midwest Mining & Big Ridge, Inc.; Lake 2011-116 - -119-R, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 49 |
12/30/2010 | 12/30/2010 | 1 | Truman Chidsey, Director/Vulcan Materials, Co. | Vulcan Constr. Materials, Florida Rock, Tidewater Quarries, TCS Materials, & Calmat Co. | No charge | Information provided | 50 |
1/5/2011 | 1/5/2011 | 1 | Matt Shepherd/SOL | Excel Mining, LLC, KENT 2009-200; Hearing Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 51 |
1/5/2011 | 1/6/2011 | 1 | Matthew R. Korn/SOL | Dynamic Energy, WEVA 2009-317; Hearing Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 52 |
1/5/2011 | 1/6/2011 | 1 | Katie Jeremiah/Jordan Schrader Ramis PC | WEVA '08-879, WEST '02-429-M, LAKE '09-265-M, LAKE '09-694-M; Requests to reopen | No charge | Information provided | 53 |
1/10/2011 | 1/10/2011 | 1 | Robert E. Stopher | Martin County Coal, Case # 15-11005-03565, All Records | No charge | Information provided | 54 |
1/14/2011 | 1/20/2011 | 3 | John M. McCracken/SOL. | Brody Mining, LLC, WEVA 2009-1000 & 1306, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 55 |
1/20/2011 | 1/20/2011 | 1 | D. Scott Horn/DOL | Lehigh Southwest Cement, WEST 2009-244-M, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 56 |
1/24/2011 | 1/24/2011 | 1 | Mark Kleinpeter | Vulcan Materials, SE 2011-162, 165, 168, Citations No.s | No charge | Information provided | 57 |
1/24/2011 | 1/24/2011 | 1 | Truman Chidsey | Vulcan Materials, VA 2010-590, 591, 592, Citation No.s | No charge | Information provided | 58 |
1/24/2011 | 1/24/2011 | 1 | Truman Chidsey | Vulcan Materials, LAKE 2011-51, 147, Citation NumbersNo charge | Information provided | 59 | |
1/24/2011 | 1/25/2011 | 1 | Erin Beatty/Dinsmore & Shohl | Inman Energy, WEVA 2011-398-R, Post-Hearing Briefs | No charge | Information provided | 60 |
1/25/2011 | 1/25/2011 | 1 | Truman Chidsey | Vulcan Materials, SE 2010-1203, 1204; 2011-42, 43, Citation Numbers | No charge | Information provided | 61 |
1/26/2011 | 1/28/2011 | 2 | Emily Hays/SOL | Prairie State Generating Co., LLC, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 62 |
2/2/2011 | 2/4/2011 | 2 | Gary D. McCollum, Esq./Excel Mining | Excel Mining, LLC, KENT 2009-200; Hearing Transc't & Record | No charge | Information provided | 63 |
2/4/2011 | 2/8/2011 | 2 | Randal N. Wildeman | General FOIA | No charge | Information provided | 64 |
2/4/2011 | 2/7/2011 | 1 | Jonathan D. Marcus, SOL | Mountain Edge Mining, Inc., WEVA 2009-1617, Transc't & Exhibits | No charge | Information provided | 65 |
2/4/2011 | 2/4/2011 | 1 | Arild Waerass/Stanford University | General FMSHRC, agency's core value statement | No charge | Information provided | 66 |
2/10/2011 | 2/14/2011 | 2 | Matt Shepherd/SOL | Stillhouse Mining, LLC, kent 2009-116, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 67 |
2/11/2011 | 2/15/2011 | 2 | Mark Heath/SpilmanThomasBattle | Philip Gray v. CAM Mining, KENT 2010-1268-D/1188-D, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 68 |
2/11/2011 | 2/14/2011 | 1 | Justin Nagel | Nagel v. Newmont USA Ltd., WEST 2010-464-DM, Transc't of phone communications | No charge | Information provided | 69 |
2/11/2011 | 2/15/2011 | 2 | Mark Heath/SpilmanThomasBattle | Travis Caudill v. CAM Mining, KENT 2010-1323, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 70 |
2/11/2011 | 3/22/2011 | 26 | Neil Morholt/SOL | Highland Mining Co., LLC, KENT 2009-1582/1583M Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 71 |
2/15/2011 | 2/17/2011 | 2 | Ellen Smith/MSHA | Marfork Coal Co., WEVA 2009-905, citations & Penalty amts. | No charge | Information provided | 72 |
2/15/2011 | 2/25/2011 | 8 | W. Ivey Gilmore Jr./Gilmore, Poole & Towley, Attys. | Black Warrior Minerals, Inc., SE 2007-406, complete copy of case file | $10.35 | Information provided | 73 |
2/16/2011 | 2/25/2011 | 7 | Grace Stees | Records related to Joseph Duffey's work in WV coal mines as a child worker between 1900-1925 | No charge | No records | 74 |
2/22/2011 | 2/22/2011 | 1 | Tyler McLeod/SOL | Big Ridge, LAKE 2009-305,et seq., Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 75 |
2/23/2011 | 2/23/2011 | 1 | Mary Sue Taylor/SOL | SOL/Gray v. CAM Mining, KENT 2010-1188 & -1268, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 75 |
2/22/2011 | 3/7/2011 | 11 | Awilda R. Marquez, DOL/SOL | Black Beauty Coal Co., LAKE 2009-469, et al., Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 76 |
2/16/2011 | 3/8/2011 | 13 | Edward H. Hartman/SOL | Mach Mining, LAKE 2009-495, Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 77 |
2/25/2011 | 3/9/2011 | 8 | Mike Parris/Walter Energy, Inc. | Jim Walter Resources, Inc., List of all J.W. "high priority" backlog dockets | No charge | Information provided | 78 |
2/28/2011 | 3/30/2011 | 22 | Gregory Korte/USA Today | All documents Re: preparation for government shutdown | No charge | Information provided | 79 |
3/1/2011 | 3/4/2011 | 3 | Michael Wereschagin/Pittsburgh-Tribune Review | Legal expenses related to congressional affairs | No charge | No information | 80 |
3/2/2011 | 3/9/2011 | 5 | Michelle Kim/SOL | Mountain Edge Mining, WEVA 2009-1519, Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 81 |
3/2/2011 | 3/7/2011 | 3 | Thomas Harman/Portland Cement Assoc. | Total # civ pen. Contest cases filed at FMSHRC 2005 thru 2008 | No charge | Information provided | 82 |
3/4/2011 | 3/4/2011 | 1 | Thomas Grooms, Ed Waldman/SOL | JWR, SE 2008-881 amp; -173-R, Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 83 |
3/4/2011 | 3/16/2011 | 8 | Gregory Tronson/SOL | SOL o/b/o Clapp v. Cordero Mining, LLC, Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 84 |
3/15/2011 | 3/17/2011 | 2 | Evan Nordby/SOL | Delta Sand & Gravel, WEST 2008-296-M, et al., Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 85 |
3/17/2011 | 3/18/2011 | 1 | Ellen Smith/MSHA | Shelby Mining, SE 2009-476, -477, Joint Mot. To Appr. Settlement | No charge | Information provided | 86 |
3/23/2011 | 3/25/2011 | 2 | Ellen Smith/MSHA | NBR SAND, CENT 2009-669-M, Mot. To Appr. Settlement | No charge | Information provided | 87 |
3/23/2011 | 3/25/2011 | 2 | Sean Phelan, Esq., Jensen Law Firm | Classic Industrial Inc., Complete case file | No charge | No case docket | 88 |
3/29/2011 | 3/30/2011 | 1 | Karen Wilcynski, SOL/SOL | American Coal Co., LAKE 2009-134 thru -140, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 89 |
4/5/2011 | 4/5/2011 | 1 | Paul J. Koob, SOL | Heldeberg Bluestone & Marble, YORK 2010-15-M, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 90 |
4/5/2011 | 4/5/2011 | 1 | Evan Nordby/SOL | Alsea Quarries, WEST 2008-1156-M & '09-972-M, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 91 |
4/13/2011 | 4/14/2011 | 1 | Alicia Truman/DOL | Hidden Splendor Resources, WEST 2009-208, -209, -210, -3452, -591, -916, -1072, -1162, -1451. Hearing Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 92 |
4/12/2011 | 4/13/2011 | 1 | Truman Chidsey, Vulcan Materials Co. | Vulcan Constr. Materials, Florida Rock, Tidewater Quarries, TCS Materials, & Calmat Co./pending docs. filed for Vulcan cos. before FMSHRC 1st qtr. 2011 | No charge | Information provided | 93 |
2/4-4/15/11 | 04/15/2011 | 1 | Christian P. Barber/SOL | Blue Diamond Coal Co., KENT 2008-592/784 & 2009-6, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 94 |
04/11/2011 | 04/21/2011 | 8 | Michael Parris/Walter Energy, Inc. | Pending dockets Maple Coal Co. & Atlantic Leaseco, LLC | No charge | Information provided | 95 |
04/14/2011 | 04/18/2011 | 2 | Carl J. Goodwin/SOL | Humphreys Enterprises, Inc., Hearing Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 96 |
04/25/2011 | 04/26/2011 | 1 | Matt Shepherd/SOL | Excel Mining, LLC/KENT 2009-33/2008-1481-R, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 97 |
04/25/2011 | 05/02/2011 | 5 | John Nocito/DOL | Eastern Assoc. Coal, LLC, WEVA 2009-97, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 98 |
04/26/2011 | 04/28/2011 | 2 | J. Malia Lawson/SOL | Road Fork Dev. Co., Inc., KENT 2010-354/355/720 &-2009-1515, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 99 |
05/02/2011 | 05/18/2011 | 12 | Amanda K. Slater/DOL | Buechel Stone Corp.; LAKE 2008-406-M/2010-153-M & -154-M; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 100 |
05/04/2011 | 05/16/2011 | 8 | Joseph B. Luckett/SOL | Carmeuse Lime & Stone/SE 2010-566; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 101 |
05/10/2011 | 05/11/2011 | 1 | Ellen Smith/MSHA | Big River/WEVA 2009-1, et al.; Mot to Approve Settlement | No charge | Information provided | 102 |
05/11/2011 | 05/25/2011 | 10 | Amanda K. Slater/DOL | Palmer Coking Coal; WEST 2008-934-M, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 103 |
05/13/2011 | 05/13/2011 | 1 | Ellen Smith/MSHA | Case update & appellate docket info | No charge | Information provided | 104 |
05/13/2011 | 05/13/2011 | 1 | Ken Ward, Jr./The Charleston Gazette | Wolf Run Mining/WEVA 2007-600-A; SOL's mot. For approval of settlement | No charge | Information provided | 105 |
05/13/2011 | 05/18/2011 | 3 | Christopher Allen | North American Drillers, ALKE 2008-2-R, et al., Copies of all docs. Involved in case | No charge | Information provided | 106 |
05/17/2011 | 05/19/2011 | 2 | Tyler P. McLeod, SOL | Big Ridge, Inc.; LAKE 2008-436, '09-436, -57, -58, & -378; Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 107 |
05/17/2011 | 05/20/2011 | 3 | Schean G. Belton/SOL | McCoy Elkhorn Coal Corp.; KENT 2008-987, -1154, -1173, & -1224; Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 108 |
05/17/2011 | 05/20/2011 | 3 | Joshua Patrick/SOL | Lafarge N.A. (Davenport); CENT 2010-4-M; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 109 |
05/17/2011 | 05/25/2011 | 6 | Patrick Dalin/SOL | Extra Energy, Inc.; WEVA 2009-674; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 110 |
05/18/2011 | 05/18/2011 | 1 | Jessica Brown/SOL | Comments on simplified proceedings rule | No charge | Information provided | 111 |
05/19/2011 | 05/20/2011 | 1 | A. Scott Hecker/SOL | Rocchetti v. GMS Mine Repair & Maintenance; VA 2011-338-D; Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 112 |
05/23/2011 | 05/23/2011 | 1 | Joann Iverson/Newmont | Peabody Midwest Mining, LLC; LAKE 2011-118-R & -119-R; Operator's Brief | No charge | Information provided | 113 |
05/27/2011 | 06/08/2011 | 2 | Barbara Villalobos/DOL-SOL | Mach Mining, Inc., LAKE 2009-427, Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 114 |
05/31/2011 | 06/06/2011 | 5 | Matthew Linton/DOL-SOL | Black Beauty, LAKE 2009-304, et al.; Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 115 |
05/31/2011 | 05/31/2011 | 1 | Carla Dunn/Gibson Dunn | US v. Frank & Wanita Melluzzo, IBLA 78-362; Decision | No charge | Information provided | 116 |
06/01/2011 | 06/03/2011 | 2 | Robin Rosenbluth/SOL | S&S Dredging, SE 2007-447; Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 117 |
06/03/2011 | 06/03/2011 | 1 | Nadia Hafeez/DOL-SOL | Black Beauty Coal Co./LAKE 2009-483/538/611/104; Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 118 |
06/06/2011 | 06/06/2011 | 1 | Louie Rocchetti | SOL/Rocchetti v. GMS Mine Repair & Maintenance, VA 2011-338-D; Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 119 |
06/06/2011 | 06/07/2011 | 1 | Nadia Hafeez/DOL-SOL | Black Beauty Coal Co., LAKE 2009-483, et al., Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 120 |
06/13/2011 | 06/17/2011 | 4 | Howard Berkes/National Public Radio | Genwal Resources, Urrary Energy, & Agapito Assoc./WEST 2008-1422-R, et al., Copy of Orders | No charge | Information provided | 121 |
06/14/2011 | 06/17/2011 | 3 | Howard Berkes/National Public Radio | Genwal Resources, Murrary Energy, & Agapito Assoc./WEST 2008-1422-R, et al.; Copy of status reports Re: criminal invest. & related penalty cases | No charge | Information provided | 122 |
06/16/2011 | 06/16/2011 | 1 | Khalisha Bethea/Leslie Brody SOL | Cemex, Inc./KENT 2009-383-M, Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 123 |
06/22/2011 | 06/24/2011 | 2 | Rob Berthold, III/Bethold Law Firm | Pine Ridge Coal, LLC/WEVA 2020-312; Transc't & Exhibits | No charge | Information provided | 124 |
06/22/2011 | 06/27/2011 | 3 | Edward V. Hartman/SOL | Mach Mining, LLC/LAKE 2010-190; Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 125 |
06/24/2011 | 06/30/2011 | 4 | Howard Berkes/National Public Radio | Genwal Resources, Murray Energy, & Agapito Assoc./WEST 2008-1422-R, et al.; Copy of 6/20/11 ltr. From US Atty for Utah to Judge Manning | No charge | Information provided | 126 |
06/27/2011 | 06/27/2011 | 1 | Michele Dean/SOL | Homer City Coal Processing/WEVA 2009-318; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 127 |
06/27/2011 | 06/29/2011 | 2 | Matt Shepherd/SOL | Hopkins County Coal, LLC/KENT 2009-820/821/822/1441/1422; Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 128 |
06/28/2011 | 06/29/2011 | 1 | Kim Good/Mani Ellis & Layne | Marfork Coal Co./WEVA 2011-1498; Penalty file re: citation nos. 8072817, 8072818, 8072819 | No charge | Information provided | 129 |
07/05/2011 | 07/06/2011 | 1 | Karen Wilcynski, SOL/SOL | American Coal Co./LAKE 2008-526 & -138; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 134 |
07/06/2011 | 07/13/2011 | 5 | Le Yu | All FOIA requests rec'd by Commision in June 2011 | No charge | Information provided | 135 |
07/07/2011 | 07/07/2011 | 1 | Patrick M. Dalin, SOL | Cumberland Coal Resources/PENN 2009-195; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 136 |
07/07/2011 | 07/07/2011 | 1 | Scott Hecker/SOL | Consolidation Coal Co./VA 2010-336; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 137 |
07/08/2011 | 07/08/2011 | 1 | Brian Dilks/Dilks & Knopik, LLC | FOIA requests filed by Nelson-Brown Equities, Inc. | No charge | Information provided | 138 |
07/08/2011 | 07/13/2011 | 3 | Truman Chidsey, Vulcan Materials Co. | Vulcan Constr. Materials, Florida Rock Indus., Tidewater Quarries, TCS Materials, Calmat Co.; all cases filed April-June 2011 | No charge | Information provided | 139 |
07/11/2011 | 07/12/2011 | 1 | Karen Wilcynski, DOL/SOL | American Coal/LAKE 2007-171, et al.; Hear. Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 140 |
07/15/2011 | 07/15/2011 | 1 | Benjamin Stark/SOL | Active Minerals Int'l, LLC/SE 2010-38-M & -741-M, Transcript (June 28-29, 2011) | Information provided | 141 | |
07/15/2011 | 07/15/2011 | 1 | Dallas Criss | Active Minerals Int'l, LLC/SE 2010-38-M & -741-M, Transcript (June 28-29, 2011) | Information provided | 142 | |
07/20/2011 | 07/20/2011 | 1 | Barbara Villalobos/DOL-SOL | Northshore Mining Co./LAKE 2010-612-M; Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 143 |
07/21/2011 | 07/22/2011 | 1 | Barbara Villalobos/DOL-SOL | Mach Mining, LLC/lake 2009-426/427; Hearing Exhibits | No charge | Information provided | 144 |
08/03/2011 | 08/19/2011 | 12 | Rich Humphrey | Employment records re: his father or info re: who can be contacted to get this info. | No charge | Information provided | 145 |
08/04/2011 | 08/11/2011 | 5 | Matthew W. Doe/Patton Boggs | Oak Grove Resources, LLC/SE 2009-261-R; Substantive pleadings/transcripts | No charge | Information provided | 146 |
08/05/2011 | 08/22/2011 | 11 | James M. Thomas (#76679) | Warm Springs Correctional Center; Info concerning gas mining rights | No charge | Information provided | 147 |
08/08/2011 | 08/19/2011 | 9 | Keith McKerall/King Wiley & Williams | Jim Walter Resources, Inc., SE 2005-51/Agency records of civ. Pen. Proc. Incl. pleadings, orders, decisions, transcripts & exhibits | No charge | Information provided | 148 |
08/09/2011 | 08/09/2011 | 1 | Susan Seletsky/SOL | Conolly-Pacific Company/WEST 2011-1064-RM, et al.; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 149 |
08/12/2011 | 08/16/2011 | 2 | Jennifer Booth Thomas/DOL | Oak Grove /SE 2010-1236; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 150 |
08/12/2011 | 08/17/2011 | 3 | Ellen Smith/MSHA | R&D Coal Co., Inc., PENN 2007-23, et al./Copy Motion for settlement & related docs. | No charge | Information provided | 151 |
08/24/2011 | 08/25/2011 | 1 | Michele Dean/SOL | Long Branch Energy, WEVA 2009-467/Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 152 |
08/24/2011 | 08/25/2011 | 1 | Angele Gregory/SOL | Consolidation Coal Co., VA 2010-336/Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 153 |
08/26/2011 | 08/26/2011 | 1 | Mark Heath/SpilmanThomasBattle | Long Branch Energy, WEVA 2009-1492, Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 154 |
08/26/2011 | 08/29/2011 | 1 | Jeff Phillips/Steptoe & Johnson, PLLC | Ohio County Coal Co., LLC, kent 2009-402/Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 155 |
08/26/2011 | 08/29/2011 | 1 | Tyler P. McLeod, SOL | Big Ridge, Inc., LAKE 2008-608, et al./Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 156 |
08/26/2011 | 08/29/2011 | 1 | Sarah White/DOL | Mach Mining, LAKE 2009-263 & -338/Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 157 |
08/29/2011 | 08/30/2011 | 1 | Elizabeth Friary/DOL | Apex Quarry, LLC, KENT 2009-10-M/Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 158 |
08/29/2011 | 08/29/2011 | 1 | Travis W. Gosselin/SOL | ISP Minerals,Inc., LAKE 2011-108-D/Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 159 |
08/29/2011 | 08/29/2011 | 1 | Brian Mauk/SOL | Ohio County Coal Co., LLC, kent 2009-402/Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 160 |
08/30/2011 | 09/01/2011 | 2 | Alicia Truman/DOL | Lakeview Rock Products, WEST 2009-1041; -2010-271/Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 161 |
08/30/2011 | 09/01/2011 | 2 | Matt Shepherd/SOL | Private Investigations & Counter Intelligence Serv. & Bledsoe Coal Corp./KENT 2011-1224-D | No charge | Information provided | 162 |
07/08/2011 | 07/08/2011 | 1 | Jeff Horseman/Press Enterprise | Granie Construction; all docket info related to Granite Constr. | No charge | Information provided | 163 |
07/06/2011 | 08/03/2011 | 20 | Artemis Vamianakis/Fabian & Clendenin | Twentymile Coal Co., WEST 2008-788-R, et al., & Stillhouse Mining, KENT 2007-309/All legal briefs, motions & other pleadings | $140.00 | Information provided | 164 |
07/19/2011 | 07/22/2011 | 3 | Angele Gregory Pietrangelo/SOL | River Sand & Gravel/KENT 2010-520-M; Hearing Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 165 |
07/19/2011 | 07/21/2011 | 1 | Amanda K. Slater | Andalex Resources Inc./WEST 2008-1151; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 166 |
07/19/2011 | 07/21/2011 | 2 | Najah A. Farley/SOL | Rox Coal, Inc./PENN 2009-548, et al.; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 167 |
07/22/2011 | 08/08/2011 | 11 | Jason Cooney/Digital Dolphin Supplies | Gov't purchase cardholders | No charge | Information provided | 168 |
07/29/2011 | 08/01/2011 | 1 | Jennifer Booth Thomas/DOL | Grand Eagle Mining, Inc./KENT 2011-1152-D; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 169 |
08/02/2011 | 08/04/2011 | 2 | James Sharpe/Sharpe Media, LLC | Baker Rock Res./WEST 2009-806-M; Appeal Status | No charge | Information provided | 170 |
08/04/2011 | 08/04/2011 | 1 | Matthew Doe/Patton Boggs | Minnesota Ore Operations, USX Corp./LAKE 96-139-DM; Docket Sheet/Pleadings | No charge | No Info - Files purged | 171 |
08/30/2011 | 08/30/2011 | 1 | Roibin Rosenbluth/SOL | Big Ridge, Inc./LAKE 2011-116-R, et al.; Oral Argument Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 172 |
09/06/2011 | 9/7 & 9/12/11 | 1 | Brooke Werner McEckron/SOL | Oil-Dri/SE 2008-793 & -1012; Hear. Transc't & Exhibits for 8/23/11 hearing | No charge | Information provided | 173 |
09/07/2011 | 09/07/2011 | N/A | Ellen Smith/MSHA | Federal Register publication | No charge | Request withdrawn | 174 |
09/08/2011 | 09/13/2011 | 3 | Matthew Linton/DOL-SOL | Black Beauty/LAKE 2008-643 & -'09-72; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 175 |
09/08/2011 | 09/15/2011 | 5 | Matthew D. Ross/SOL | Coal Country Mining, Inc./WEVA 2010-509; Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 176 |
09/12/2011 | 09/13/2011 | 1 | Alisha I. Wyatt/DOL | Excel Mining/KENT 2009-1368; 8/18/11 Hear. Transc't | No charge | Information provided | 177 |
09/12/2011 | 09/13/2011 | 1 | James Sharpe/Sharpe Media, LLC | Long Branch Energy/WEVA 2009-1492-R, et al., Exhibits | No charge | Information provided | 178 |
09/16/2011 | 09/26/2011 | 6 | Travis W. Gosselin/SOL | American Coal, LAKE 2009-35, Hearing Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 179 |
09/17/2011 | 10/07/2011 | 14 | Jason Smathers | All docs. Pertaining to | No charge | No info available. No records | 180 |
09/19/2011 | 09/26/2011 | 5 | Robert Motsenbocker/COL | Bledsoe Coal Corp./KENT 2008-808, Hear. Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 181 |
09/20/2011 | 09/26/2011 | 4 | Brian Mauk/SOL | Powell Mountain Energy/KENT 2009-1029; Hear. Transcript | No charge | Information provided | 182 |
9/21 & 9/23 | 10/04/2011 | 6 | James Sharpe/Sharpe Media, LLC | Appropriations/budget info & Comm. Backlog | No charge | Info provided in part; no records in part | 183 |
09/22/2011 | 10/07/2011 | 11 | Catherine Sabrowski/Pacificorp - LTC 19 | List of all docket proceedings as of 9/30/11; list of mine operators & co. names attached. | No charge | Information provided | 184 |
09/30/2011 | 10/03/2011 | 1 | Ellen Smith/MSHA | CAM Mining, KENT 2009-444 thru -2009-446; penalty amounts | No charge | Information provided | 185 |