9/15/17 | 10/2/17 | Lee Travis Vulcan Materials Company | 3rd Quarter Report of all active/closed dockets for listed company and subsidiaries | GRANTED |
| 100
9/21/17 | 10/2/17 | Kirk Nigro Pacificorp/ Rocky Mountain Power | 3rd Quater Report of all active/closed dockets for listed mine IDs | GRANTED |
| 101 |
10/12/17 | 10/25/17 | Megan Kernan Okanogan Highlands Alliance | Info re: case status Crown Resources Corp., WEST 2017-0202-RM/-0325-RM | GRANTED |
| |
10/17/17 | 10/26/17 | MaryBeth Zamer SOL-DOL | Hearing Transcript Ken American KENT 2013-0211 | GRANTED |
| |
10/18/17 | 10/24/17 | Chris Pence Hardy Pence, PLLC | Copies of notes, docs, etc Farmer v. Spartan Mining Co., LLC WEVA 2017-343-D | IMPROPER REQUEST |
| |
10/20/17 | 10/23/17 | Mark E. Heath Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC | Hearing Transcript Pennyrile Energy LLC KENT 2018-0004-D | GRANTED |
| |
10/26/17 | 10/30/17 | David Houliston Law Offices of David M. Houliston | All docs. Re: Citation No. 8775601 Freeport-McMoRan Chino Mines Co. CENT 2015-0159 | PARTIAL GRANT | Some not agency record (referred to MSHA) | |
10/30/17 | 10/30/17 | Bryan Chaix | Hearing Transcript Original Sixteen to One Mine, WEST 2017-119, -173-M | GRANTED |
| |
11/1/17 | 11/1/17 | Truman Chidsey Vulcan Materials Co. | Settlement Motion & Order Florida Rock Industries Inc. SE 2015-129 | GRANTED |
| |
11/1/17 | 11/8/17 | Timothy S. Williams DOL/SOL | Hearing Transcript Staker & Parsons Co. WEST 2017-0134 | GRANTED |
| |
11/3/17 | 11/3/17 | Bryan Chaix | Respondent’s exhibits, other than A-H Original Sixteen to One Mine WEST 2017-119/-173-M | GRANTED |
| |
11/8/17 | 11/30/17 | Samual B. Petsonk, Esq. Mountain State Justice, Inc. | Case file Harrell v. Piedmont Mining SE 2017-270 | GRANTED |
| |
11/13/17 | 12/1/17 | Emelda Medrano DOL/SOL | Hearing Transcript Peabody Midwest Mining, LLC LAKE 2016-120 & -140 | GRANTED |
| |
11/14/17 | 12/5/17 | Lauren Dillon Democratic National Committee | Communications between Commissioners and White House Staff from 1/20/17-3/31/17 | NO RESPONSIVE RECORDS |
| |
12/4/17 | 12/22/17 | Alexandro Caruso | All records on asbestos related to erionite at the Chimney Rock Quarry | NOT PERFECTED |
| |
12/5/17 | 1/24/17 | Harold Notah | Hearing Transcript Notah v. GCC Rio Grande, Inc. CENT 2017-146 | GRANTED |
| |
12/6/17 | 12/18/17 | Marty George | Correspondence from Congressman Michael Grimm | NO RESPONSIVE RECORDS |
| |
12/18/17 | 1/4/18 | Lee Travis Vulcan Materials Company | Vulcan Materials Companies- List of All Pending/Filed/Disposed cases during Calendar 2017 (January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017) | GRANTED |
| |
12/20/17 | 12/21/17 | Ben Cawley | Copies of evidence pertaining to contravention of constitution, statute, treaty, etc. by named entities | NO RESPONSIVE RECORDS |
| |
| 1/19/18 | Chinedu Akunne-Oakara | Information about requester | NO RESPONSIVE RECORDS |
| |
1/2/18 | 1/2/18 | Kirk Nigro Rocky Mountain Power/PacifiCorp | Report of all pending and closed dockets for listed companies for calendar year 2017 | GRANTED |
| |
1/3/18 | 1/4/18 | Mark E. Heath Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC | Hearing Transcript Solar Sources, Inc., LAKE 2017-0099 | GRANTED |
| |
1/3/18 | 1/4/18 | Emelda Medrano DOL-SOL | Hearing Transcript Solar Sources, Inc., LAKE 2017-0099 | GRANTED |
| |
1/11/18 | 1/11/18 | Brad Johnson Harrison, Temblador, Hungerford & Johnson LLP | Conference Call transcript Syar Industries, Inc. WEST 2018-0135-DM | GRANTED |
| |
1/30/18 | 1/31/18 | Jordana Greenwald DOL-SOL | Hearing Transcript Cumberland Contura, LLC, PENN 18-50-R | GRANTED |
| |
2/6/18 | 2/6/18 | Thomas J. Motzny DOL-SOL | Hearing Transcript Pennyrile Energy KENT 2018-0004-D | GRANTED |
| |
2/12/18 | 2/14/18 | Travis Gosselin DOL-SOL | Hearing Transcript Knight Hawk Coal LAKE 16-0489/17-0024 | GRANTED |
| |
2/13/18 | 2/13/18 | Lisa Cavazuti | Records of employee expenses that include payments to any Trump brand hotel or establishment | NO RESPONSIVE RECORDS |
| |
2/19/18 | 3/28/18 | Michael Ravnitzky | Copies of all pipeline and case management reports since January 2016 | PARTIAL GRANT | EX. # 5 – internal processing details and predecisional deliberations | |
2/21/18 | 3/1/18 | Kristi Henes DOL-SOL | Hearing Transcript Peabody Twentymile Mining, WEST 17-553/247 | GRANTED |
| |
2/22/18 | 3/13/18 | Kimberly Warren DiscoverOrg | Organizational chart of IT personnel, including contact information | GRANTED |
| |
2/23/18 | 3/27/18 | Steve Reilly USA Today | FMSHRC Reform Plan submitted to OMB in 2017 | DENIED | Ex. #5, draft reform plan | |
2/26/18 | 2/26/18 | Mark E. Heath Spilman Thomas & Battle | Hearing Transcript Knight Hawk Coal LAKE 16-0489/17-0024 | GRANTED |
| |
3/6/18 | 3/8/18 | Scott A. Faultless Craig Kelley & Faultless, LLC | Documents related to specific citations. Buzzi Unicem/Lone Star Industries, LAKE 17-44/45/46/82/146 | GRANTED |
| |
3/13/18 | 4/10/18 | R. Eddie Wayland King & Ballow Law Offices | All records pertaining to the hiring, appointment, removal, or transfer of ALJ’s and same records related to ALJ Margaret Miller | PARTIAL GRANT | Ex. 6 | |
3/13/18 | 3/14/18 | Michael J. Beander Thompson Miller & Simpson, PLC | Documents related to the “all white center scandal” of 1990-91, (including ALJ decision) | IMPROPER REQUEST |
| |
| 4/2/18 | Lee Travis Vulcan Materials Constructions | 1st Quarter Report of all active/closed dockets for listed company and subsidiaries | GRANTED |
| |
3/20/18 | 3/22/18 | Ali Beydoun DOL-SOL | Hearing Transcript SOL o/b/o Coffey v. Txoma, CENT 18-149-D | GRANTED |
| |
3/28/18 | 4/4/18 | Mary Sue Taylor DOL-SOL Nashville, TN | Hearing Transcript | GRANTED |
| |
3/28/18 | 4/9/18 | LeAnne Funke Federal Employees Benefit Association | List of FMSHRC employees, name, location, email, job title, and salary | GRANTED |
| |
4/2/18 | 4/6/18 | Felix Marquez DOL-SOL Dallas, TX | Hearing Transcript Rock Products CENT 2017-432 et al. | GRANTED |
| |
4/5/18 | 4/5/18 | Kirk Nigro PacifiCorp | 1st Quarter Report of all active/closed dockets for listed company and subsidiaries | GRANTED |
| |
4/6/18 | 4/12/18 | Edward V. Hartman DOL-SOL Chicago, IL | Hearing Transcript Peabody Midwest Mining, LLC LAKE 2016-421 et al. | GRANTED |
| |
4/19/18 | 4/19/18 | Edward V. Hartman DOL-SOL Chicago, IL | Hearing Transcript Peabody Midwest Mining, LLC LAKE 2017-450 | GRANTED |
| |
4/20/18 | 5/15/18 | Krystle Stump | Correspondence between Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema and FMSHRC | NO REPONSIVE RECORDS |
| |
4/26/18 | 4/26/18 | Alexander Smith DOL-SOL Arlington, VA | Hearing Transcript Sec’y o/b/o Mullins v. D&H Mining VA 2018-68-D | GRANTED |
| |
4/27/18 | 5/24/18 | Cristina Pagaduan Gordon & Rees | Complete case file Midas Klondex WEST 2014-777, WEST 2015-416/607/742 | PARTIAL GRANT | Ex. 6, medical and family history | |
5/1/18 | 5/3/18 | Isabella Finneman DOL-SOL San Francisco, CA | Hearing Transcript 16 to 1 Mile WEST 2017-546/685/100 | GRANTED |
| |
5/2/18 | 5/3/18 | R. Jason Patterson DOL-SOL San Francisco, CA | Hearing Transcript Peabody Midwest Mining LAKE 2017-73/74 | GRANTED |
| |
5/2/18 | 5/8/18 | Jeffrey L. Light o/b/o Ryan Noah Shapiro Law Office of Jeffrey L. Light | Advisory Opinions under the Hatch Act | PARTIAL GRANT | Ex. 6, personal contact information | |
5/7/18 | 5/8/18 | Ethan R. Ware Williams Mullen | Citations, Notice of contest, motions, and decisions, Dukes Sand & Gravel YORK 2012-97
| PARTIAL GRANT | Ex. 6, personal contact information | |
5/14/18 | 5/14/18 | Lisa Johnston Brantley Maynard Cooper Gale | List of active dockets involving Warrior Met Coal, Mine ID 01-01401 | GRANTED |
| |
5/15/18 | 5/15/18 | Melanie Kilpatrick Williams, Kilpatrick & True, PLLC | Hearing Transcript and exhibits Blue Creek Mining | PARTIAL GRANT - Improper request | Other - Referred to ALJ for Exhibits | |
5/17/18 | 5/31/18 | Isabella Finneman DOL-SOL San Francisco, CA | Hearing Transcript Rain for Rent WEST 2017-377 | GRANTED |
| |
5/21/18 | 5/21/18 | Marisa Schnaith DOL-SOL | Hearing Transcript NALC LLC LAKE 2018-20 | GRANTED |
| |
5/22/18 | 5/23/18 | John B. Holmes Maynard Cooper & Gale | List of active dockets assigned to Judge McCarthy against Warrior Met Coal | NO RESPONSIVE RECORDS |
| |
6/14/18 | 6/15/18 | Joseph Muckleroy The Basher Law Firm, PLLC | Investigation file, reports, photos, videos concerning fatality at the Rye Dredge & Plant Mine | NOT AN AGENCY RECORD |
| |
6/18/18 | 7/2/18 | Lee Travis Vulcan Materials Constructions | 2nd Quarter Report of all active/closed dockets for listed company and subsidiaries | GRANTED |
| |
6/29/18 | 7/2/18 | Kirk Nigro Rocky Mountain Power/PacifiCorp | Report of all pending and closed dockets for listed companies for quarter 2 2018 | GRANTED |
| |
7/24/18 | 7/27/18 | David Crumplar Jacobs & Crumplar | Hearing Transcript Pennsy Supply YORK 2018-0004 | PARTIAL GRANT | Ex. 6, personal information | |
7/25/18 | 7/25/18 | Matthew Berlin | Copy of police report filed in Allegan County on July 4th | WITHDRAWN |
| |
8/9/18 | 8/9/18 | Jennifer l. Bluer DOL – SOL Philadelphia, PA | Hearing Transcript The Marion County Coal WEVA 2018-423-D | GRANTED |
| |
8/16/18 | 8/17/18 | Milne A. Young DOL – SOL Arlington, VA | Hearing Transcript Consolidation Coal Co. WEVA 2015-509 | GRANTED |
| |
9/24/18 | 9/28/18 | Julia Gwinn | Substantive pleadings Klumpp v. Barretts Mineral WEST 2018-032 | PARTIAL GRANT | UNDER SEAL | |
9/25/18 | 10/1/18 | Kirk Nigro Rocky Mountain Power/PacifiCorp | Report of all pending and closed dockets for listed companies for quarter 3 2018 | GRANTED |
| |
9/25/18 | 10/1/18 | Lee Travis Vulcan Materials Constructions | 3rd Quarter Report of all active/closed dockets for listed company and subsidiaries | GRANTED |
| |
9/27/18 | 9/27/18 | Ryan Kooi DOL – SOL | List of OALJ law clerks and contact information | GRANTED |